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Relación con el cliente
Discover the importance of good customer relations in the success of your business. Learn how to identify the needs of your customers
learning cards validar hipótesis
LEARNING CARDS TO VALIDATE HYPOTHESES Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Learning Cards to validate hypotheses". Analyse and discover this TIP! Learning Cards, also known as "learning cards", are a tool for innovation and validation of hypotheses used by entrepreneurs and companies to
Diseñar experimentos para validar hipótesis
Accelerate your business with these expert tips "How to design experiments to validate hypotheses". Analyse and discover this TIP!
Fuentes de ingresos
Learn about the different revenue streams and how to apply them to your business model with this mentorDay article.
Criterio mínimo de éxito para validar hipótesis
Accelerate your business "Minimum Success Criterion to validate hypotheses". Analyse and discover this TIP!
Discover the most effective monetisation strategies for your business or project with this mentorDay article.
The minimum viable product (MVP). This is one of the foundations on which the Lean Startup methodology was born, and one of its most interesting contributions.
FREEMIUM MODEL Accelerate your business with these expert tips on the "Freemium Model". Analyse and discover this TIP! Very good model to launch and get customers to try! This model of monetising a business is based on offering, for free, a product or service to customers.
RISOTHERAPY USING HUMOUR AND PARADOX IN MENTORING Use humour and paradox. The latter is a great didactic resource, but care must be taken to use it only with empathy, in the right context and climate, and with people with a sense of humour. For example, when
Grupo de control para validar hipótesis
Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Control group to validate hypotheses". Analyse and discover this TIP!