The Commercial Pitch


Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "The Business Pitch". Analyse and discover this TIP!

The commercial pitch po sell products or services is a short, persuasive presentation that seeks to convince a potential customer that our product or service is the solution to their needs or problems. The aim is to cTo attract the customer's attention, arouse their interest and lead them to take action, either by buying our product or contracting our service. The pitch should be brief, clear and concise, and focused on the benefits and advantages that our product or service offers to the customer. It is a very important tool in the sales process and can be used in face-to-face meetings as well as in online or telephone presentations.

Here are some tips on how to make a good commercial pitch to sell products or services to customers

  1. Know your audience: Before making a business pitch, research your audience and get to know their needs and wants. Make sure your pitch is tailored to their needs and piques their interest.
  2. Be clear and concise: Your pitch should be short, to the point and easy to understand. Focus on the key features and benefits of your product or service and explain how it can help your customer.
  3. Demonstrate your expertise and credibility: If you have experience in the industry or if your product or service has been used successfully by other clients, mention these aspects in your pitch to demonstrate your credibility.
  4. Add a call to action: It is important that you include a clear and specific call to action in your pitch, such as an invitation to schedule a meeting or to try your product or service.
  5. Practice your pitch: Practice your pitch several times before you present it. Make sure it flows well, that you are able to communicate your key points clearly and that you are confident in your presentation.
  6. Listen to your customers: After presenting your pitch, listen carefully to your clients' responses. If they have questions or concerns, answer them clearly and honestly.
  7. Personalise your pitch: If possible, customise your pitch for each client or group of clients. This can make your pitch more relevant and appealing to your audience.

General tips that can help you make a good business pitch:

  1. Know your audience well: research the interests, needs and problems of your potential clients in order to tailor your pitch to make it more relevant and persuasive.
  2. Be concise and clear: Avoid using technical jargon or overly complicated explanations. Your pitch should be easy to understand and convey the benefits of your product or service clearly and concisely.
  3. It adds value: Focus on how your product or service can solve your audience's problems or needs and how it can improve their life or work. Don't just focus on the technical features, but on the benefits they can get.
  4. Be emotional: People make purchasing decisions based on both reason and emotion. Use stories and examples that connect emotionally with your audience and make them feel the need to buy your product or service.
  5. Be convincing: use data and statistics that support your proposal and demonstrate its effectiveness. Also, include testimonials or references from satisfied customers that endorse the quality of your product or service.
  6. Call to action: be sure to include a clear and concrete call to action at the end of your pitch, so that your audience knows what to do next and is motivated to act.

Remember that the sales pitch is an important tool to convince potential customers and close sales, but it is not the only thing that influences the success of a company. It is also important to have a good product or service, a solid marketing strategy and a committed and efficient team.

Commercial pitch to sell products or services

Welcome to our commercial pitch! We are a company dedicated to providing innovative and quality solutions to improve efficiency in companies. Our flagship product is a cloud-based business management platform that allows companies to manage all their processes in an integrated way and in real time. With this tool, they can control their sales, finances, inventories, production and much more, from any device with internet access.

Why choose our platform? In addition to offering a comprehensive, cloud-based solution, we have a team of experts who provide support and advice to our clients so that they can make the most of the tool and get the best results. In addition, our platform is scalable and customisable, adapting to the specific needs of each company and allowing constant growth without having to change tools. In a nutshellOur platform is the ideal solution for companies looking to optimise their processes and improve their efficiency, with a team of experts always ready to help and a customisable and scalable tool. If you want to know more, please contact us and we will be happy to give you a demonstration of our platform!

The Business Pitch is not about making a speech, but about building a relationship with your customers and demonstrating how your product or service offers a solution to their problem. The first essential aspect is to get to know your target audience and their objectives as well as possible. Remember to put the focus on the client and not on yourself!!!!

There are 6 essential guidelines to keep in mind when constructing your business pitch

1. Create a connection between your product and your customer.

remember the problem-solution framework. Start by connecting with the client's objectives, as well as the opportunity or problem that affects them.

2. Communicate your strengths, your differentiation

We have to show that we can do better than other options.

3. Appeal to the right hemisphere of the brain by telling a story.

It has been scientifically proven that the StoryTelling technique boosts sales.

4. Be visual and try to make a physical demonstration

Create simple, interesting, relevant and readable slides. A background image and one sentence per slide is almost always enough.

5. Throughout the presentation, get feedback from the customer

To encourage conversation we can ask open questions (how, what, who, when, where, why...) instead of closed questions (did, was, will, is, could...?).

6. Show enthusiasm, get to the point and make a call to action.

If you want to differentiate yourself, show enthusiasm and energy through your voice, posture and gaze. Don't forget to enjoy your communication. Don't be long-winded. Your audience will probably only remember three things about what you are going to tell them, so the message needs to be clear.


Now that you have read this TIP, answer the question:

  1. What commercial pitch do you make to your customers with which you get sales?




Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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  1. José Luis Prieto Calviño

    Above all, offering a solution to the customer's problem

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