100 videos on subsidies for entrepreneurs



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Last March 2018 we strengthened our collaboration with TodoStartups, the reference portal for entrepreneurs in Spain and Latin America, to create the audiovisual channel AllAid.

And today, as we announced, we are celebrating, as we have already published 100 videos detailing the 100 most relevant recent grants for entrepreneurs. These 100 videos confirm that TodoAyudas was necessary and was a good idea. We are convinced that we will be able to produce many more videos, as the next ones are already in production.

TodoAyudas emerged from the synergy between:

  • The information that MNH Licitaciones locates and classifies on a daily basis all tenders and subsidies published in Spain in general, and those aimed at entrepreneurship in particular, and
  • The audiovisual media that TodoStarups has as a communication channel for the prestigious CEF Group - UDIMAThe project is a paradigm of what a university can contribute to promote entrepreneurial actions among its students.

This is how a space was created to provide all entrepreneurs in Spain with a different approach to the most important subsidies and aid available to them.

The information is provided in the form of informative video pills, where Martina Naranjo, through a simple and easy to use presentation The characteristics, details and requirements of each grant opportunity to make it easier for any entrepreneur to digest this information.

From MNH Tenders we would like to thank the collaboration, the professional and above all the personal treatment of all those who have made it possible, especially those who have made it possible. Luis Miguel Belda and his team Alejandro Benito, Daniel Fiunte, María del Mar De los Santos and Gonzalo Pazos.

We say goodbye by listingSubvenciones the 100 main grants in more or less chronological order. Each line of the list has a link that includes both the TodoAyudas video and the details provided by MNH together with the regulatory basis and the presentation on which Martina bases her video.

So, whoever wants or needs to can search this entry (remember Ctrl + F) and access all the information and find out how the programme and its presenter have evolved over the last few months. Of course, you also have at your disposal our free grant finder.

As you will see, the themes of the grants are as follows very varied but they are all linked to entrepreneurship, ranging from the recognition of various awards to non-refundable financial aid to promote self-employment, support for rural women, investment, research, etc., etc.

As is logical, although some of them are for an indefinite period, many are out of time, but it is possible that they will come up again on the same dates, so it may still be interesting to know about them. You will see that this is already happening with some of the list.

TodoAyudas: the first 100 videos on subsidies for entrepreneurship

  1. We start with some good advice on How to obtain subsidies or grants for companies
  2. Employment Aid ACCEDEMOS of the Mapfre Foundation
  3. Aid for the creation of microenterprises in Logroño
  4. Madrid City Council's "Premio Emprendedoras 2018".
  5. Prize for new entrepreneurs "Set up your business" in Ejea de los Caballeros, Zaragoza
  6. Action against unemployment through support for self-employment in Oímbra, Ourense
  7. Aids for the promotion of self-employment - Quota Zero- in Murcia
  8. XVI PalmaActiva Awards for the best business projects
  9. Aids for the promotion of employment in Secastilla, Huesca
  10. Competition "Emprende por tu pueblo" in La Carlota, Cordoba
  11. Aid for recruitment in rural Burgos
  12. Elche Emplea 2018 grants
  13. New aid for hiring young people in Madrid
  14. Aid Salinas Emprende, Alicante
  15. Aid for the promotion of employment in the Community of Valencia
  16. Aid for the creation and consolidation of business initiatives in Salamanca
  17. Aid to support self-employed women in the Valencia Region
  18. Emprecan Plus Programme in Cantabria
  19. Aid for entrepreneurship in Alava
  20. Aid for indefinite-term contracts in Madrid
  21. Aid to promote employment and entrepreneurship in Granada
  22. Award for the programme "Business Market. Ideas to invest" in Elche
  23. Aids to support SMEs in Cabra, Cordoba
  24. Aid for the promotion of Navarrese companies abroad
  25. ICEX-NEXT Grants
  26. Aid for the Xpande Digital Programme in Valencia
  27. Aid for the planning of business changeover in Extremadura
  28. Pymetur and Emprentur grants in Andalusia
  29. Aid for access to employment through entrepreneurial lines in Los Realejos, Tenerife
  30. Aid for the creation of companies in Vitoria-Gasteiz
  31. Aid for renting empty commercial premises in Usúrbil, Gipuzkoa
  32. Aids to promote self-employment in the Balearic Islands
  33. RED PIEMSA Awards for sustainable entrepreneurs in Cuenca
  34. Aids for the start-up of business initiatives in Fuerteventura
  35. Aid for investment projects by micro-enterprises in the province of Jaén
  36. Aids for business promotion in Coín, Málaga
  37. Aid for the creation of companies by young people in Pamplona
  38. Aid for employment, entrepreneurship and business development in Santander
  39. Aids for the promotion of employment of the city council of Inca, Mallorca
  40. Aids for the promotion of employment aimed at entrepreneurs in Caspe, Zaragoza
  41. COMPRENDER Awards
  42. Galicia Emprende Grants
  43. Andalusia's "Innovactiva 6000" Programme
  44. AvalMadrid grants. Financial line of support for technological innovation startups.
  45. Re-Emprende Madrid Programme
  46. Aid in Madrid for setting up as self-employed workers
  47. Cheque-Europa Murcia
  48. Aid for the promotion of female entrepreneurship in Galicia
  49. Excellence in Innovation Awards for Rural Women 2018
  50. ENISA Young Entrepreneurs Grants
  51. Madrid MAD+2018 Awards
  52. Aids to promote economic activity in Cocentaina, Alicante
  53. XVII Benalmádena Businesswoman Award 2018, Málaga
  54. Aid for the creation of new companies and/or expansion of existing ones in Melilla
  55. Aid for the promotion of self-employment in the municipality of Nava, Asturias
  56. Award "Emprendedoras Castilla y León Rural".
  57. Grants for the entrepreneurs and investors programme in the ESPOBAN Project, Huelva
  58. Grants from the "Diputación Emprende" programme in Cáceres
  59. Aid for the establishment of new companies in Benidorm 2018
  60. Aids for companies of the City Council of Montoro 2018, Cordoba
  61. Aids for entrepreneurship in Alcoy, Alicante
  62. Aid for self-employment in Aguilar de Campo, Palencia
  63. Aid to SMEs in Peñaflor, Seville
  64. Aid to support entrepreneurs in Guadalajara
  65. Grants to encourage entrepreneurs 2018 in Mota del Cuervo, Cuenca
  66. Aid for companies and the self-employed from the Olivenza Town Council, Badajoz
  67. Grants for Young Employees 2018 in Seville
  68. Growth of Start-up's and NTBT's, and innovation-intensive SMEs in Madrid
  69. Aid to promote gender equality in employment in Extremadura
  70. Grants for entrepreneurs 2018 in Pobla de Famals, Valencia
  71. La Rioja Innovation Cheque Programme
  72. Aid for entrepreneurs to recover empty premises in Azkoitia, Gipuzkoa
  73. Aids for the creation and promotion of companies and employment in Graus, Huesca
  74. Aid for the self-employed, entrepreneurship and self-employment projects in Hornachuelos, Cordoba
  75. Aids for the promotion and consolidation of self-employment in La Rioja
  76. AITEX-UPV Chair Entrepreneurship Awards, Valencia
  77. Aid for entrepreneurs to start up their projects in Almodóvar del Río, Cordoba
  78. Investment aid for companies based in CEEIARAGON, Aragon
  79. Aids to promote entrepreneurship in Santomera, Murcia
  80. Aid to companies 2018 in Huelva
  81. Aid for the creation of technology-based companies in the Region of Valencia
  82. Aid to support the self-employed in Beniel, Murcia
  83. Aid for internship contracts with young people in Asturias
  84. Álava Innova Grants
  85. Extremadura Business Awards 2019
  86. Investment aids for the economic development of the province of Palencia
  87. Aids for the promotion of e-commerce in the Region of Murcia
  88. Galicia Rural Emprende grants
  89. Internationalisation of the Valencian Community tutoring vouchers
  90. Aid for the implementation of contracts in Castilla - La Mancha
  91. Aid for the promotion of self-employment and the creation of micro-enterprises in Aragon
  92. Aid for the promotion of Galician companies abroad (Galicia Exporta Empresas)
  93. Bizkaia Creativa Programme
  94. Aid for the promotion of self-employment in the Principality of Asturias
  95. Innovation cheque in Murcia
  96. Aid to improve the competitiveness of the small retail trade in Extremadura
  97. Recruitment aid for the promotion of employment in Odieta, Navarre
  98. Cheque for systematisation of innovation management in Murcia
  99. Aids for the promotion of employment aimed at entrepreneurs in Illueca, Zaragoza
  100. Aid to cover recruitment costs for companies in Salamanca





Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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