Complementary goods


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Complementary goods sproducts or services that are used in conjunction with another product or service to enhance the user experience or increase the value of the main product. In the business context, complementary goods can be an opportunity for entrepreneurs to offer more complete and attractive solutions to their customers.

Some examples of complementary goods in different industries include

  • In the technology industry: accessories or applications that complement an electronic device, such as protective cases for smartphones or photo editing software for cameras.
  • In the fitness industry: nutritional supplements or specialised sportswear to complement physical training.
  • In the food industry: condiments or sauces that complement a dish or special cooking utensils that enhance the cooking experience.
  • In the tourism industry: transport or accommodation services that complement the travel experience.

To identify business opportunities with complementary goods, entrepreneurs can consider the following steps:

  1. Identify the main product or service you offer.
  2. Analyse the products or services that customers use in conjunction with your product or service.
  3. Identify possible improvements or innovations in complementary goods that can add value to the main product or improve the user experience.
  4. Research the competition and determine whether there are opportunities to offer unique or differentiated complementary goods.
  5. Assess the market potential and profitability of the supply of complementary goods.

In short, complementary goods can be an opportunity for entrepreneurs to offer more complete and attractive solutions to their customers. Identifying business opportunities with complementary goods requires analysing the products or services that customers use in conjunction with the main product, identifying possible improvements or innovations in complementary goods, researching competition, and assessing market potential and profitability.

Practical examples of complementary goods

Practical examples of complementary goods include:

  1. Accessories for electronic devices: such as mobile phone cases, screen protectors, portable chargers and more.
  2. Complementary applications: such as applications that enhance the user experience of a product or service, such as fitness applications to complement a gym membership, travel applications to complement a booking service, etc.
  3. Cleaning and maintenance products: such as cleaning products for cars, furniture, household appliances, among others.
  4. Complementary services: such as product installation, maintenance and repair services.
  5. Supplies and accessories for products: such as ink cartridges for printers, spare parts for household appliances, car accessories, among others.
  6. Complementary software: such as plugins, extensions or additional programs that enhance or expand the functionality of other software.

These are just a few examples of complementary goods, but there are many others that may be relevant for different types of products and services.

What are the disadvantages of complementary goods?

Complementary goods may have some disadvantages for entrepreneurs, such as:

  1. Dependency: Complementary goods are closely related to another product or service, which means that if the main product or service is not successful, the complementary good could also be affected.
  2. Competence: Complementary goods are often offered by companies other than the main product or service, which means that the entrepreneur may have to compete with other companies to offer the best complementary good.
  3. Coordination: For complementary goods to function properly, there needs to be good coordination between the different suppliers. If any of them do not fulfil their commitments, this could negatively affect the main product or service.
  4. Cost: In some cases, complementary goods may be costly, which could affect the profitability of the main product or service. Ohe disadvantage of complementary goods for entrepreneurs is that it can be easy to lose focus on the core product and disperse efforts in the creation and promotion of complementary goods. This can distract the entrepreneur from his main objective and cause him to lose sight of the quality and continuous improvement of the main product. Moreover, if the complementary goods are unsuccessful or unprofitable, they may end up being a financial burden for the enterprise rather than a source of additional revenue. Therefore, it is important for entrepreneurs to carefully assess the inclusion of complementary goods in their business strategy and ensure that they are aligned with their main objectives and do not disperse their efforts.

In summary, although complementary goods can be beneficial for entrepreneurs by adding value to the main product or service, they can also have some disadvantages that need to be taken into account.

Successful business cases thanks to complementary products

Below are some cases of successful companies that have used complementary products to expand their market:

  1. Apple: has achieved great success through its complementary products, such as accessories for mobile devices, including cases, chargers, headsets and speakers. These products not only help to protect and enhance the user experience, but also generate a great deal of additional revenue for the company.
  2. Coca-Cola: is another company that has used complementary products to expand its market. The company has launched a wide variety of complementary beverages, such as bottled water, juices, teas and energy drinks. These products have enabled the company to appeal to a wider audience and generate additional revenue.
  3. Amazon: is a company that has used complementary products to become one of the world's largest online retailers. The company not only sells products online, but also offers ancillary services, such as Amazon Prime, which includes free shipping and access to exclusive content. In addition, Amazon has launched a wide range of own-brand products, such as electronics, apparel and home products.
  4. Nike: is a company that has used complementary products to expand its business in the sports market. The company not only manufactures and sells sports apparel and footwear, but has also launched a wide range of complementary products, such as activity trackers, sports watches and mobile apps. These products have enabled the company to attract a wider audience and generate additional revenue.
  5. Google: has used complementary products to expand its market beyond the online search engine. The company has launched a wide variety of complementary products, such as the Android operating system, the Chrome browser and online storage services. These products have allowed the company to diversify its offerings and generate additional revenue.

These are just a few examples of successful companies that have used complementary products to expand their market and generate additional revenue.

Why is it important to identify complementary goods for an entrepreneur?

Identifying complementary goods is important for an entrepreneur because it can help improve the product and service offering of his or her business, increase customer satisfaction and ultimately improve the profitability of the business. Complementary goods can create synergies and add value to the core product, which can attract more customers and increase sales. In addition, the identification of complementary goods can help differentiate the company from the competition and strengthen its position in the market. Therefore, It is essential for an entrepreneur to have a clear understanding of complementary goods in order to realise their potential and enhance the success of his or her business.




Juan is an entrepreneur who has launched a new line of natural beauty products. His goal is to differentiate himself in the market and offer high quality products that do not harm the environment or people's health. However, he has noticed that many of his customers are looking not only for beauty products, but also for products that help them lead a healthy lifestyle. To identify complementary goods that could be useful for his business, Juan has decided to conduct market research. He has contacted several nutrition and health experts, as well as his own customers, to find out more about their needs and wants.

After gathering this information, Juan has identified some complementary products that might work well with his line of natural beauty products. These products include food supplements and vitamins that can help improve skin, hair and nails, as well as body care products such as lotions and moisturisers. Juan has begun to explore the possibility of adding these products to his current product line. He has spoken to several suppliers to obtain information on pricing and delivery times and has begun to make calculations to determine whether adding these products would be cost-effective.

Ultimately, Juan has decided to add some of these complementary products to his line of natural beauty products. He has launched a new line of supplements and body care products, which has been very well received by his existing customers and has attracted new customers interested in beauty and health products. The identification of these complementary goods has been key to the differentiation of her business and the growth of her company.





Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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