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Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "The 6 key tools for digital entrepreneurs". Analyse and discover this TIP!

We are in an era where digital transformation is the order of the day. Setting up a business means doing it, in whole or in part, digitally.

Anyone who wants to start a business or is already in the process knows that, while relying on the physical business can be a good complement, nowadays any business that wants to be successful must have an integrated digital part.

Internet access and new technologies have changed habits and more and more people prefer to shop from the comfort of their homes rather than going out on the street.

Fortunately, the technology behind business is also constantly developing. Starting and running a business is no longer as tedious as it used to be, thanks in large part to the number of tools at our disposal.

Below we will list some of those that we believe can be of great help in the management of your digital venture.

Herramientas Clave para Emprendedores Digitales


6 Must-Have Programmes for Every Digital Entrepreneurship


This tool is particularly useful as it can help us in different aspects of our venture at the same time. It is difficult to define what kind of software HubSpot is. HubSpot's free CRM is a must-have tool for any digital business that wants to have some control over its sales, customers and marketing.

These three pillars are the foundation of the Free CRM from HubSpot to offer us a tool that is extremely complete and useful. It has three hubs, one for each sector - sales, marketing and customer service - designed specifically for all needs.

With HubSpot we will be able to manage sales, collect and store detailed and organised customer and sales data and, with these elements, to create marketing campaigns and offer impeccable customer service. So, with We manage three fundamental aspects in a single software package, and we can be sure that your management will be optimal.

In short, HubSpot is the tool that will help us to be more efficient in management, more productive and even more digital. All this with a simple interface, different separate but interconnected modules and the possibility of continuing to expand our digital enterprise.


When it comes to collaborating with different members of our team, we need tools that allow us to do so in an agile, comfortable and fast way. Google Workspace is a essential tool for any enterprise that wants to exist in the 21st century. Like HubSpot, it is not a piece of software, but rather a set of different specific and necessary tools in any company.

The most notable and most used are the office tools in the cloud. Spreadsheets, word processing, formulas, presentations and more without the need to install any programme.

With just a Google account, a link and a browser, we can access, edit and send all kinds of documents. It also allows several people to edit and work on the same document at the same time, without having to be together. Each person accesses from their own computer.

Not just document editing, Google Workspace also includes a calendar, email server and meeting and video conferencing application. All of this works and is conveniently accessible from the cloud. Google Workspace allows us to access a number of useful tools and all we need is a browser and an internet connection. If you are concerned about accessibility, this is the option you need!!!


Running a business involves a huge workload. Different projects, activities, deliveries and different dates that it is very easy to forget. Moreover, they are often important, so an agenda, even a virtual one, is not enough to keep track of these tasks.

Trello offers us an online and multiplatform tool to store, visualise and resolve all the tasks we have pending for the day, week and month. It works according to the kanban method: each task corresponds to a card that includes the date, importance and all the necessary files to carry it out.

We find ourselves, therefore, with a virtual dashboard where we can visualise all the pending tasks. If this overwhelms us, we can customise and filter by those that are most urgent or important.

It is also collaborative, so we can add all the people involved to carry out their tasks, or to collaborate with them on certain projects. Thanks to Trello, we and our team can be more productive and, above all, we will never miss a deadline or leave a task undone.

Emprendedores digitales



When it comes to communication apps, you can't be too picky. For convenience and functionality, we have to opt for the one that is most used by people. The ultimate goal is to be able to communicate with others; if we use a tool that hardly anyone uses, it loses its meaning.

Therefore, it is nowadays mandatory that our venture uses WhatsApp to communicating with customers (+). It is undoubtedly the most widely used instant communication tool and the one that will be most convenient for those who want to contact us.

By creating a company profile, we can continue to enjoy its benefits and, in addition, separate private conversations from those that are strictly professional. WhatsApp Business allows us to communicate with customers quickly and conveniently for both of us. We can make calls, video calls, exchange images and all kinds of files with our customers in seconds!

Smooth and comfortable communication is the key to the relationship between customers and business, WhatsApp Business allows us to carry it out in the best possible way.


Saying that image is important may sound superficial but, unfortunately, it doesn't make it any less true. Especially in a digital age where we are constantly bombarded by visual stimuli, customers have become accustomed to companies with impeccable aesthetics.

Far from being a problem, we should see this as an opportunity to stand out. A company can enter through the eyes, attract customers through its visual content and finish convincing them with a quality product and service.

Canva is the tool that can help us to improve the image projected by our company. Once we have established the corporate image we want to have, Canva will help us make it happen (+)! Its online editor is extremely simple and, is made for people who have no knowledge of graphic design.but who are clear about what they want.

Canva helps us to transform into reality that corporate image we have always dreamed of for our website, social networks or communication. Moreover, it is free and completely online, which makes it the best candidate when it comes to satisfying our design needs.


The use of different tools is useful from an overall point of view to manage different aspects of our enterprise, but it can also be a headache. Of course, we favour the use of tools, but one or more of the tools we use may not be compatible with each other. Sometimes the compatible ones are not the best fit for what we need and we end up using the wrong tools.

Zapier has arrived to solve this problem. It is an application that integrates different applications and tools, even if they are not compatible. It works as a link between apps, and allows us to integrate, for example, a web form with the customer spreadsheet, the CRM or the newsletter.

The different combinations you can make are almost infinite, there may be someone who has already made it and can share it or we may be the ones to come up with a new chain to share with the community.

Without programming knowledge, we will be able to create a chain of automated actions between different applications that will save us time and money; it is the solution to all the incompatibility problems that your business may have!!!


At this point it is difficult to find detractors of the use of digital tools. To a greater or lesser extent, it has been proven that they are of great help and facilitate both general management and the small tasks involved in an enterprise.

However, there are still those who are hesitant to digitise their business, whether due to mistrust, fear of change or lack of knowledge. Whatever the reason, there is no better way to lose the fear and be convinced than to use the tools first hand, to see the change and the possibilities it can bring to our daily lives.

We could write thousands of articles talking about their benefits, but nothing will change your mind more than your own experience. So, we invite you to try and experiment with the different tools. It may be a gradual process, but you will end up convinced of the benefits that these tools can bring to your business.


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Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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