How to optimise customer service through an omni-channel communication strategy?

Estrategia de comunicación omnicanal


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With unlimited access to any information at any time, consumers are becoming more informed and more demanding. Today, a company can truly differentiate itself from its competitors by the attention it pays to its potential and current customers. The principle is simple: The more you show you care, the more satisfied customers will be and the better your brand image will be. 

More and more companies are choosing to implement a communication strategy that can contribute greatly to this goal: omni-channel communication.

In this article we will explain how this strategy can optimise the customer experience when they contact your company.

  • What is omni-channel communication?
  • Which channels are the most important?

Here are a few tips.

What is omni-channel communication?

An omni-channel communication strategy is the application of all possible communication channels. Implementing this strategy and responding to the behavioural characteristics of consumers who want their problems solved as quickly as possible. They expect simplicity, efficiency and speed from your company.

The intention is to make the customer journey as seamless as possible when contacting the company. The idea is to have a 360-degree overview of customer interactions.

In an omni-channel communication strategy, the aim is to centralising channelsnot just add more and more, but connect them to each other! This is what distinguishes it from another strategy that is being abandoned today, which is multi-channel.

Omni-channeling is a true advantage for customer service because by pooling a client's knowledge, the care provided to them will be much more personalised. In addition, the satisfaction the user will get from their ultra-simplified journey will enhance the brand image.

What are the key elements of omni-channel?

In this part of the article, we will talk about the key elements of the implementation of such a communication strategy. Some tools are essential for omnichannel and play the role of centraliser and are probably the most important.


It is a powerful tool for managing business interactions. It allows manage intelligently all kinds of incoming and outgoing communications on the same platform. Today, it works in the cloud and is accessible from any device with an internet connection. The call centre is a platform where you can integrate all your communication channels. 

In the implementation of an omni-channel communication strategy, this tool centralise and interconnect the channels. You will be able to answer incoming calls from your customers, as well as respond to messages sent in your LiveChat, for example.

These are the channels that can be managed from this single platform: 


With its cloud-based operation, you can add as many landline numbers as you wish, either local or international with the country codes of the countries in which your company operates. This will give you trust When contacting your customers, they will be less hesitant if they need to call a telephone number they are familiar with.


It is a button that you can integrate into your web pages and that allows your site visitors to call you directly from the device on which they are browsing. These buttons can be very useful during the purchase process, since the customer will not need to leave the shopping cart to call you and solve their doubts.


Used daily by millions of users all over the world, it is the best way to adapt to the preferences of your customers. Being able to contact your company through these applications will give you the image of a company that cares about its customers.


It can be integrated directly into the call centre software, allowing customers who contact you to make a payment without leaving the call. This system is secure and enables the continuity of the consumer's journey.

With all these channels linked in one place, this is perfectly in line with the goal of an omni-channel communication strategy!!!


Once you have your centralised communication channelsIt is the time for information and data. The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is a tool that allows you to keep track of contact details and any other information you deem necessary.

Integrating your business telephony system in the cloud offers several advantages, two of which are related to omni-channel. The first is the ability to modify and manage customer information during a conversation without leaving the call. This feature optimises the management of the company's resources.

On the other hand, the Another advantage that will be highly appreciated by consumers is the preview of the customer's file when the customer calls. In this way, the agent can learn the identity of the person, their habits with your company and even, in some cases, the purpose of the call. 

Some tips for implementing the strategy

In thinking about the implementation of the communication strategy omni-channel, always think about putting the customer at the centre. A possibility is to conduct satisfaction surveys on current customer service. of your company to find out what they think. This will allow you to adjust their objectives. Also, will show that you care about their preferences.

It is important that you leave no channel of communication unattended, and that you equip yourself with the right tools. appropriate tools to facilitate their collective management. One might think that the aim of this strategy is to develop new channels to bring novelty to customer service, but it is more about multiply them so that each consumer can find something to his or her liking. Focus on all communication channels, both new and traditional.

The channel multiplication could overwhelm your customer service agents. To mitigate this consequence, there are now solutions from Artificial Intelligence (+) to achieve what is called selftcare (self-service). The role of a virtual agent is to understand an interaction with a user to perform requested tasks, such as checking the status of an order, for example. Thanks to these chatbots (+) or voicebots, can release easily The new system will help your agents from repetitive tasks so that they can focus on providing personalised customer service.

In conclusion, implementing an omni-channel communication strategy will bring many benefits to your customer service. Your customers will enjoy a quality experience when they contact your company. By optimising the experience, you can increase customer loyalty and improve the image you offer to your customers.

To put in place a strategy that delivers meaningful results for your business, you will need to effective communication management toolsas a call centre software and a tool to centralise and aggregate customer data that can be provided by the integrated system of CRM with telephony.





Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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